Thank you for joining us for the Seventh and FINAL Myths and Legends Convention!
A letter from the organizer:
7 years. 7 books (HP, AOIAF)… In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Albus Dumbledore says, “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”
Words have such a power. They create the books, movies, and TV shows we adore. They can be used to bring people together and create a community; a group of people coming together under a common love of something, supporting each other, respecting each other, seeing and recognizing our differences and embracing each other.
And let’s talk about that for a moment. We are a diverse group. We have interests that vary from person to person. And yet, we can come together and enjoy these things we love. We can respect each other. That’s very important. I believe respect can have a profound difference in how we treat one another.
And when we come together, we need to remember to make sure everyone knows they are welcome. We get into our own heads and think, well of course they know they can be there, it’s for all fans. But remember that your experience is not their experience. Sometimes a friendly face or some encouragement can mean more than you know.
Author and Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison passed away recently. She was an inspiration to many; she was a writer, she was a woman writer, and she was a black woman writer. In 1998 she was discussing various topics. The interviewer asked the Toni Morrison when she would “incorporate white lives” into her books “in a substantial way,” Morrison was not known for pulling punches. She said (and forgive me for not having the gravity of words that she did, she said), “You can’t understand how powerfully racist that question is, can you?” “You could never ask a white author, ‘When are you going to write about Black people?’ Whether he did or not, or she did or not. Even the inquiry comes from a position of being in the center.’”
To further illustrate the point, Morrison made a comparison to being a Russian author who writes about Russia in Russian for Russians.
“The fact that it gets translated and read by other people is a benefit, it’s a plus. but he’s not obliged to ever consider writing about French people, or Americans, or anybody.”
Let’s look at another side of things. There’s a website I love, (or “BGG”), that recently did a redesign. Their mascot has in the past been Ernie, a kind of skater looking male dude in various poses. The redesign took Ernie’s head and made a kind of silhouette flame looking thing. Here’s what the owner of BGG, Scott Alden, had to say about it:
Aldie: BGG welcomes all gamers, whatever your level of experience or particular tastes, and updating the logo reflects our belief that gaming is for everyone, not just geeky guys with glasses. Whatever our differences individually, gaming brings us together. Our new symbol is a nod to BGG’s past, while also inviting you to see yourself in that silhouette — or to find your passion for play represented in that “game flame”.
So two things I would like you to take forward with you: from Toni Morrison, be aware of words and what you are saying. If you find yourself messing up, apologize, learn, *listen*, and do better next time. From Aldie: If you are in a place of privilege, use that to create spaces of inclusion around you.
MALCon may be going away, but we “malcontents” remain. Let us continue to work every day toward creating spaces of inclusion, acceptance, and community. Let’s let others know that they are seen, heard, and accepted. Thank you.
Below you’ll find information about the convention, until it has been archived.
Dates: August 9 – 11, 2019
Location: The Radisson Denver-Aurora (225 & Parker)
We’ll be back to our roots, focusing on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Doctor Who, and Game of Thrones/A Song Of Ice and Fire. Hope to see you there!
Go to Brown Paper Tickets to get your passes!
You can find our convention hours on the Convention Hours page.
(Please note: We originally announced that we would be back at the Ramada Plaza, but their proposed renovations were not going to be finished before MALCon. Please join us at the Radisson Denver-Aurora!)
2019 Guests of Honor!
Chaz Kemp – Artist Guest of Honor

Bram Stoker Award finalist Chaz Kemp embraces an Art Nouveau style that incorporates vibrancy and color into fantasy and steampunk art in a way that is rarely seen. As an illustrator, the influence of Alphonse Mucha is evident in his award-winning work that combines the artistic energy of the Roaring 20s with the untamed diversity of steampunk and fantasy.
Chaz Kemp is a featured artist in steampunk legend Paul Roland’s book “Steampunk: Back to the Future with the New Victorians”. Amazing Stories magazine featured him in the November 2014 issue, and his work has been seen in other publications such as Steampunk Magazine, Savage Insider and Aurealis. Over the years Chaz has created art for game publishers, sci-fi/fantasy conventions and several book covers including the anthology “Cthulhu Passant” by Travis Heerman & the “Oilman’s Daughter” by Local Hero Press. In 2012, he illustrated his first graphic novel entitled “Behind These Eyes” written by Guy Anthony De Marco and Peter J. Wacks. The graphic novel was a Bram Stoker Award finalist.
His latest pieces have been featured in the work that he and his wife, award-winning author, Carolyn Kay created for the World of Ashelon. These include two novellas entitled, “Dien Vek” and “Sikevra” in which he did the cover and interior art. He recently finished his three-year project called the Ashelon Oracle Deck; a 52-card divination deck featuring characters that appear in the World of Ashelon. You can find his work at, buy the Ashelon Oracle Deck here: or become his patron at:
Leslie Hudson – Music Guest of Honor

Leslie Hudson sings modern retellings of women’s stories from ancient times to the present. Drawing on myth, folklore, spiritual and cultural traditions, pop culture, family history and a lifetime of personal growth, she gives multi-genred voice to the synaesthetic spectrum of divinities and denizens, mortals and mysteries, the queens and querents who tell Her Stories.
Now a regularly touring musician across North America (venturing to Europe in 2018), Hudson is bringing her unique brand of powerful piano-centric performance to communities, venues and events supporting women’s voices and the strength of diversity.
Find out more at .
David J. Peterson – Linguistic Guest of Honor

David J. Peterson is a language creator, writer, and author. He is best known for creating the Dothraki and Valyrian languages for HBO’s Game of Thrones, but has also created languages for the CW’s The 100, Syfy’s Defiance, Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World, Marvel’s Doctor Strange, Netflix’s Bright, and many others. He has BA’s in English and Linguistics from UC Berkeley (2003) and an MA in Linguistics from UC San Diego (2005). He’s the author of Living Language Dothraki and The Art of Language Invention, both from Penguin Random House, and he has a number of new projects on the horizon.
Veronica Calisto – Maven of Ceremonies

Masseur of people and plot lines. Singer of songs inside her own head and in a local choir. Author of Diary of a Mad Black Witch, A Griffin Scorned, and the first in SparkleTits Chronicles: Starfish & Coffee.
The Myths and Legends Convention celebrates our modern myths and legends. We believe that the only difference between stories of Hercules and Harry Potter or the fall of Troy and Mordor is time. Hundreds of years from now, which of the stories we obsess over today will still be told? Will they tell tales of The Doctor, a mysterious figure who always appears right where he is needed? Or will they recount the lineage of the Winchesters, and the deeds they performed? We do not know which stories will persist, but they all have the possibility of surviving the test of time.
Join us for tea dueling and dancing, panels and programs, make-and-takes and interesting guests, as well as a vendor room full of hand-made fan-oriented items and an art show with custom made items to enhance your body and home.

Before attending, please familiarize yourself with our policies.
Find out more about passes and how to purchase them here.