Want to get involved?
Myths and Legends Con has opportunities for enthusiastic and responsible volunteers both at the convention and before the event. You can put in a few hours, or head up a committee. Volunteers who invest at least 15 hours into Myths and Legends Con (both pre-con work days and at the con) will receive one free weekend pass and will have their presence requested at a post-con thank you meal on Sunday night. Please contact volunteering@malcondenver.org for more details.
Behind the Scenes
The Myths and Legends Con also has opportunities for other areas where you can help out! Take a look at the list below and send an email to info@malcondenver.org if you are interested.
Website updates
Twitter/Pintrest/FB person (social media)
YouTube videos (creating, uploading, managing)
Hotel Liasion (work out hotel blocks)
Lieutenant (right, left, whichever you prefer)
Progamming head
Sponsor Outreach
Budget Officer