Our vendor room is filled with purveyors of the finest wares for your shopping desires, bringing you a variety of quality items to support your love of science fiction and fantasy. Our confirmed vendors are listed below. Many of our authors and artists are also panelists, and you can find out more about them here.

2 Wyrd Sisters

2 Wyrd Sisters is a couple women who started something special 8 years ago. We began with two lip balm and bath salt flavours, and have expanded to over 20 distinct scents. We also have developed many other decadent ways to treat your body. From our signature lip balm to hand soap, coffee scrubs to our infamous Goat Potion. We have items to pamper you from tips to toes. Join us in celebrating luxury, and Revel in Your Wyrdness.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/2WyrdSisters

Aces High, Jokers Wild

These are the mission files of The Wildcards. Officially Democratic State Force Base 1407, the Wildcards are serving in a new American Revolution. In 2155, corporations run the City Grids for a profit and own their workers body and soul. The Constitution has been relegated to a quaint document. Freedom is just a word in the news vids. But off the Grid and in the shadows, there are people fighting for a change. Join the Wildcards in this Cyberpunk adventure as they fight to rebuild the country they lost, and play the hands life’s given them.
Website: http://aceshighjokerswild.com/
Website: https://www.amazon.com/O.E.-Tearmann/e/B07J62VX9W
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildcards1407/

Ashelon Publishing

Ashelon Publishing meshes steampunk and fantasy to create works of art and stories that are unique and culturally diverse. Award-winning artist Chaz Kemp creates beautiful steam-nouveau art that can be seen in prints, on book covers, on gaming tools and in a 52-card oracle deck. Award-winning author Carolyn Kay writes steampunk/fantasy novellas within the world of Ashelon, bringing the world, and Chaz’s art to life.
Website: https://www.chazkemp.com/
Website: https://www.carolynkayauthor.com/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/635841721/ashelon-oracle-deck

Beauty and the Beads / Rockhound Studio
Handstrung and woven jewelry, geometric shapes jewelry boxes, rocks, crystals, and geode cracking.
Colin Heintze
I am a local author of SF/Fantasy/Mystery
Website: https://colinheintze.wordpress.com/

D. X. Varos
D. X. Varos is a boutique publishing company that produces work in very specific categories. Because of our smaller size, we are under no pressure to produce mass quantities of titles and are able to be very selective in our acquisitions. Therefore, all of our titles will be at the pinnacle of their genre. ​ We only take on a few new fiction authors each year. For the most detailed information please see the Submissions page of our website. Being a small publisher does not mean we don’t offer the same services as the big guys do. And yes, we are a REAL publisher. Our authors pay nothing to have their books published. We handle all aspects of perfecting, producing, and distributing their work
Website: http://www.dxvaros.com
Dragon’s Eye Designs

My hobby and passion, making wearable art and cuddly, squishy plush. Currently working on expanding my inventory, making themed small crafts and accessories and creating original clothing designs. “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living†Dr.S.
Website: http://www.dedesigns.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DragonsEyeDesign/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DragonsEyeDesign

Dryad Tea

Join Dryad Tea for all of your loose leaf tea needs! Hand-blended teas inspired by music, mythology, literature and general geekery. Hand made pottery and more! We are your one stop tea shop, just add hot water!
Website: http://www.dryadtea.com
Website: http://www.dryadpottery.com
Website: http://www.twitch.tv/dryadtea

Fabriquewerx Studios

Fabriquewerx Studios creates leather craft and custom garb for pirates, jedi knights, steampunks, wenches, elves, wizards and other gentle lunatics.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fabriquewerx/

Forest Rose Productions, Strange Journey

In keeping with the spirit of favorite traditional Victorian parlor curiosities and pastimes, STRANGE JOURNEY entreats partakers to acquire and enjoy its award-winning audio drama, “A Journey With Strange Bedfellows,” the adapted graphic novel and other associated (edu-taining) frivolities.
Website: http://www.a-strange-journey.com
Website: http://www.a-strange-journey.com/Parlor-Curiosities.html
Website: http://www.a-strange-journey.com/Products.html

Funkmaster Lovecraft Studios

Funkmaster Lovecraft Studios has been our family-operated business for 9 years. John, Parker, and Keaton hand-craft jewelry and home decor items sourced from antique, vintage, and re-purposed materials including: keys, clock and watch parts, vacuum tubes, sheet music, comic books, and bottle caps. Our unique offerings center around a Steampunk and Retro aesthetic.
Website: http://www.FunkmasterLovecraft.com

Gathering Splinters

Matthew Holtmeier is an artist and woodworker crafting under the name Gathering Splinters. His artistry and craftsmanship are heavily influenced by his love of all things fantasy and many hours spent playing roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. He has brought his love of gaming into his woodworking, crafting accessories for gamers including dice trays and boxes. Aside from functionality and durability, an emphasis on beauty and artistry has been a main focus. In the past, his woodworking has incorporated embellishments, such as pyrography and carving, which helps set it apart from other crafters.
Website: https://www.gatheringsplinters.work/

Grant Street Publishing
My debut novel of historical fiction, The Gallowglass, is scheduled to release on July 10th. I will be selling my novel at MALCon, along with a possible novella and a couple of anthologies my fiction has appeared in.
Website: http://www.jasonhenryevans.com
Green Griffin Press

Green Griffin Press is the publisher of the Arcane Adventuress series, a Victorian Paranirmal Steampunk series and upcoming works Vennessa Robertson.
Website: https://mahrirram.wixsite.com/vrobertsononline

ICER Fine Art

ICER Fine Art specializes in bringing knowledge of the Mystical Arts to people of all ages. This local Denver Artisan will capture your imagination and take you to many other worlds. Ivy C. Ebersole-Raptor is the creative talent behind ICER Fine Art. She specializes in Fantasy & Science Fiction acrylic paintings and Photo Realistic portraits. Last year, Ivy completed the artwork for her own tarot deck, ICER Intuitive Art Tarot. Ivy’s wife, Shoshannah, has been reading tarot for over 20 years and provides in depth readings with the ICER Intuitive Art Tarot deck. A limited number of the tarot decks are available for purchase. ICER Fine Art offers original, print and custom artwork, tarot readings, and handmade jewelry. Come learn about the mystical arts and see what your future holds.
Website: https://www.ICER-FineArt.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icer.fineart/
Website: https://www.instagram.com/icer.fineart/

Interplanetary Designs

Space and astronomy themed jewelry, handmade with natural gemstones and Austrian crystal
Website: https://www.space-jewelry.com
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/InterplanetaryDesign/

It’s Just So You

My name is Meredith Funk and I believe in showing the world who you are! I created ‘It’s Just So you’ to bring a bit more color and spunk to your everyday attire! You can try to judge a person by the size of the rocks they wear or how many karats they have, but that doesn’t show people who you ARE. Express to the world your love for Unicorns, Rubber Ducks, heck – even Donuts. My goal is to provide Style and Gifts to you and your friends that make ’em say – That is Just So You. You are someone people want to get to know, wear something to get the conversation started!
Website: https://itsjustsoyou.com/

Local Hero Press

Local Hero Press is a Denver-based publisher of superhero, fantasy, and science fiction and the home of Ian Thomas Healy’s popular Just Cause Universe series.
Website: http://localheropress.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/localheropress
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/localheropress

Out in Colorado Fiction Writers

Out in Colorado Fiction is a group of Colorado creatives that produce LGBT fiction and comics. We do conventions across the state and welcome stories of all members of the queer community
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OutinColoradoFiction/

Peter Sartucci
R. M. Williams
Pop fiction/sci-fi action novel by local indie author.
Website: http://www.requiemseries.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/requiemseries
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Avyars
R.J. Rowley

Presenting author R.J. Rowley and a rubber chicken named Floyd. Rowley is a joker of all trades who captures life’s absurdities on the page and keeps them there until the proper authorities arrive. A Colorado native, she is the author of cozy-comedy memoirs, humorous fiction, and satirical guides to life. When not entertaining the masses or terrorizing the villagers, Rowley leads the Bexly empire to promote humor writing and create a supportive community for fellow jesters. Floyd the Rubber Chicken just watches and says nothing.
Website: https://www.bexly.org/

Rabbit Tales

Rabbit Tales is a multi crafting couple that enjoys creating in all sorts of medias. We create 3D prints, embroidered patches and designs, one of a kind pendants and jewelry, laser etched wood and much more! Check our table out and we may have a machine or two working and we’ll be happy to answer any questions about them!
Website: https://TheRabbitTales.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRabbitTales/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRabbitTales

Richard Friesen

Richard Friesen is a Science Fiction and Fantasy author with a new Space Opera novella, a humorous superhero story, about Narcolespy, who keeps falling asleep, and a five-book epic Fantasy series where the king isn’t a warrior, but he does steal his brother’s betrothed.
Website: https://richardfriesen.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richardfriesen.net
Website: https://www.amazon.com/Richard-E.-Friesen/e/B07PGZ2PXY

Root & Branch

Pink Pitcher is an Artist, Author, Seamstress, Druid, and Textile and Domestic Historian (among other titles). She is currently publishing her first comic – Root & Branch – as an ongoing story in both print and web. She enjoys costuming and cosplay in a variety of genres, and would love to draw your RPG character.
Website: http://rootandbranchcomic.com/
Website: https://www.patreon.com/PinkPitcher

Stant Litore

Stant Litore is the author of Ansible, The Running of the Tyrannosaurs, The Zombie Bible, and Dante’s Heart. Besides science fiction and fantasy, he has written the writers’ toolkits Write Worlds Your Readers Won’t Forget and Write Characters Your Readers Won’t Forget, as well as Lives of Unstoppable Hope and Lives of Unforgetting, and has been featured in Jeff Vandermeer’s Wonderbook: An Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction. He has served as a developmental editor for Westmarch Publishing and holds a Ph.D. in English. He lives in Aurora, Colorado with his wife and three children and is currently at work on his next novel.
Website: http://www.stantlitore.com
Website: http://www.patreon.com/stantlitore
Website: https://www.amazon.com/author/stantlitore

The Mad Tatter

The Mad Tatter creates lace designs incorporated into jewelry. I take the Victorian art of tatting and bring it back in the present for people to enjoy.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarathemadtatter
The Scarlet Derby

The continued adventures of The Scarlet Derby and Midnight Jay, Victorian London’s most courageous crime-fighting couple. A print and web based comic series which has so far spanned two-novels, print comics, an online webcomic presence, and regularly updated videos via YouTube and Twitch. Written, drawn, and animated by Mike Cervantes, it has been the product of the Denver, Colorado steampunk scene since 2013.
Website: http://www.thescarletderby.com
Website: http://youtube.com/thescarletderby
Website: http://twitch.tv/thescarletderby

Thrifty Gryphon

Creator of bracelets, handmade gifts, and more from repurposed materials and the creativity of the mind!
Website: https://www.thriftygryphon.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thriftygryphon

Time Well Spent Games

We are as obsessed with boardgames as you are! We offer the hottest new games at online prices! Be sure to stop by and check us out!
Website: https://timewellspentgames.com/

Turtle Monkey Books

Jo Fontana lives in Denver, Colorado with her daughter and their cats. She is a member of the Colorado Authors’ League and the author of the Turtle Monkey series. She has written an anthology under the pen name of A.J. Hallows titled Approaching Darkness. The author won first place for her short story “The Plant Lady” at the Quid Novi Festival, 2014. She just completed her first novel, The Egg Quest.
Website: https://www.jofontana.com

Veronica Calisto

Masseur of people and plot lines. Singer of songs inside her own head and in a local choir. Author of Diary of a Mad Black Witch, A Griffin Scorned, and the first in SparkleTits Chronicles: Starfish & Coffee.
Wandering Jotun Crafts

Wandering Jotun Crafts is dedicated to serving and uplifting the folks society forgets: the queer folks, the down-to-earth pagans, the nerds–and the people who identify with more than one of those descriptions.
Website: https://wanderingjotun.weebly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanderingjotun/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WanderingJotun

Whimsical Whiskers

Whimsical Whiskers creates treasured friends. Unique dragons made with love and care. Don’t forget to dress your dragon with a variety of accessories!
Website: http://www.whimsiwhiskers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whimsiwhiskers/
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/WhimsiWhiskers

Wings, Charms & Things

Hi, we are Wings, Charms, & Things, or Wings CT for short. We are your one stop shop for many things geeky. We have hundreds of wings you can wear, even a selection of pet wings, geeky blankets, wearable jewelry, hanging charms, animal aprons, nature photography, and more. Stop on by or find up online at wingsct.com , and on social media @wingsct and @wingsctphoto.
Website: http://www.wingsct.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WingsCT/

Winterhaven Jewelry

The artisan of Winterhaven Jewelry has been producing high quality handmade chainmail jewelry and accessories to the local community for over 15 years. Specializing in items for everyday use, and custom orders are welcome.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WinterhavenJewelry/

Zenith Star Publishing

Demons want to kill them. Dragons must save them. Award-winning author Natli VanDerWerken releases WindRunner – Book 2 of the Dragon’s Children. Find both Red Dragon’s Keep and WindRunner at her booth.
Website: https://www.natlivanderwerken.com
Website: https://natlivanderwerken.com/books/
Website: https://natlivanderwerken.com/book-news/